5 mn阅读

20 Exciting Things to Do in Dubai: From Free Activities to Luxury Experiences

张贴于 社论

5 mn阅读 Dubai, a city where ancient traditions meet futuristic visions, offers an incredible array of experiences for visitors. Whether you’re seeking adventure, culture, or relaxation, this guide will help you discover the best things to do in Dubai. From free activities to luxurious indulgences, let’s explore what makes this emirate a must-visit destination. Top Things to […]

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8 mn阅读

The Ultimate Guide to Art Tech Startups Dubai: Revolutionizing Creativity in the Desert

张贴于 社论

8 mn阅读 The Digital Renaissance in the Desert At the center of the United Arab Emirates, between skyscrapers touching the sky and golden sand, a new revolution brews. Not related to oil or even real estate but pixels, algorithms, and brushstrokes, this is the new innervation of art 科技 that Dubai is fast embracing—where creativity meets innovation […]

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5 mn阅读

Dubai’s Agriculture Technology Revolution: Top 10 Startups Transforming Desert Farming

张贴于 社论

5 mn阅读 In the middle of the Arabian Desert, a green revolution of an unlikely nature is taking root. Dubai, a city of towering skyscrapers and luxury shopping, has made waves in agriculture. That is not easy to imagine—a city built on sand, where farming would boom. But what no one was clear about was that an […]

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5 mn阅读

An Overview: Ratibi card salary check

张贴于 新闻

5 mn阅读 To our readers popular demand, Ratibi card salary check, provided by First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), is popular by most of the people residing in U.A.E. These cards are used as a payroll solution for employers to pay wages directly to employees’ cards, especially useful for those without a traditional bank account. The Ratibi Card […]

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5 mn阅读

Staying in the UAE for the summer with the kids? A summer camp is just what you need.

张贴于 社论

5 mn阅读 How to choose a summer camp for kids in the UAE? Choosing the right summer camp for kids in the UAE can be a daunting task for parents. The key is to look for a program that offers a balance of fun, learning, and personal development. It’s important to consider the camp’s activities, the expertise […]

继续阅读 “Staying in the UAE for the summer with the kids? A summer camp is just what you need.”
5 mn阅读


张贴于 金融科技与银行

5 mn阅读 Regolith是一个专门从事上市前、风险投资、基金和房地产投资的平台. Regolith以其独特的投资产品、用户友好的界面和安全的投资渠道而闻名,在金融市场中脱颖而出。 这一成功背后的推动力是一个对他们创造和管理的产品充满热情的团队,由有远见的人领导......

继续阅读 "揭开雷戈里斯的成功:一个充满激情的团队的力量"
4 mn阅读


张贴于 社论

4 mn阅读 在一个与紧迫的环境挑战搏斗的世界里,Avare生物技术公司在保护美丽的骆驼和它们所居住的脆弱的沙漠生态系统方面迈出了显着的一步。 这家具有前瞻性思维的生物技术公司推出了"沙漠守护者"(Desert Guardians),这是一个吸引人的、有教育意义的电报机器人,旨在提高人们对塑料垃圾对骆驼和骆驼的破坏性影响的认识。

继续阅读 "Avare的革命性'沙漠守护者'倡议将骆驼从致命的塑料废物中拯救出来"
7 mn阅读


张贴于 社论

7 mn阅读 引言在一个创新和企业家精神是经济增长和社会进步背后的推动力的世界里,培育下一代企业家变得比以往任何时候都更加重要。 认识到这一需要,信任,KHDA允许和STEM.org 认可的学习平台,一直在通过其全面的创业计划赋予年轻人权力的最前沿。 […]

继续阅读 "可信是如何授权阿联酋青年成为未来的企业家"



5 mn阅读

An Overview: Ratibi card salary check

张贴于 新闻

5 mn阅读 To our readers popular demand, Ratibi card salary check, provided by First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), is popular by most of the people residing in U.A.E. These cards are used as a payroll solution for employers to pay wages directly to employees’ cards, especially useful for those without a traditional bank account. The Ratibi Card […]

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4 mn阅读

UAE’s groundbreaking ventures to revolutionize data security

张贴于 社论

4 mn阅读 Abu Dhabi’s Advanced Technology Research Council (ATRC) has announced a groundbreaking initiative, launching three ventures that promise to revolutionize data security, autonomous mobility, and AgriTech, marking a significant milestone in the UAE’s journey towards becoming a global hub for technological innovation. Set against the dynamic backdrop of Masdar City, a beacon of sustainability and innovation. […]

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4 mn阅读

U.A.E. establishes “Smart Systems Council”

张贴于 新闻

4 mn阅读 H.H. Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Chairman of Abu Dhabi Executive Council, has issued a resolution to establish the Smart and Autonomous Systems Council (SASC). Chaired by Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the council aims to advance a supportive and attractive environment for […]

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5 mn阅读

The Qibla Connection: How Technology is Enhancing the Spiritual Experience of Prayer

张贴于 社论

5 mn阅读 Qibla is a very special spiritual direction for Muslims worldwide. It refers to the direction in which the Muslims turn at the five obligatory daily prayers, toward the holy Kaaba in Mecca. However, how do Muslims ensure that they face the correct direction in a dynamic and globalized world? The answer lies in Qibla-finding technology, […]

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5 mn阅读

DSRPTD WEB3演讲者谁哇和激励观众!

张贴于 社论

5 mn阅读 该DSRPTD 网页3 活动已成为展示推动区块链边界的领导者和创新者的重要平台, 金融技术, and digital transformation. Here, we highlight some of the most notable speakers who have captivated audiences with their expertise and vision. Engaging the Audience: The Power of Thought Leaders Web3 and blockchain technology […]

继续阅读 "DSRPTD WEB3演讲者谁哇和激励观众!”
2 mn阅读


张贴于 金融科技与银行

2 mn阅读 总部位于阿联酋的金融科技创业公司Comfi已从阿布扎比一家着名的私人家族办公室获得了500万美元的债务融资。 这项战略投资将加速Comfi雄心勃勃的计划,即现在购买,稍后支付(BNPL)[...]

继续阅读 "Comfi确保500万美元彻底改变阿联酋和KSA的B2B支付"
5 mn阅读


张贴于 金融科技与银行

5 mn阅读 Regolith是一个专门从事上市前、风险投资、基金和房地产投资的平台. Regolith以其独特的投资产品、用户友好的界面和安全的投资渠道而闻名,在金融市场中脱颖而出。 这一成功背后的推动力是一个对他们创造和管理的产品充满热情的团队,由有远见的人领导......

继续阅读 "揭开雷戈里斯的成功:一个充满激情的团队的力量"
3 mn阅读


张贴于 社论

3 mn阅读 讲述了一位参与卡塔尔多哈BIT'24的投资者的故事。 他的经历令人兴奋,并描述了由Ravi Tharoor和他的Khaleej Times团队,Bicky Carlra和他的WeValue咨询团队精心策划的arragements,并得到了growX ventures,MENA FINTECH ASSOCIATION的投资者的支持,[...]

继续阅读 "创新者汇聚卡塔尔:来自BIT'24多哈的见解"
3 mn阅读


张贴于 人工智能

3 mn阅读 在一个创新无止境的世界里,无人机和机器人已经成为技术进步的领跑者。 这些工程奇迹正在重塑行业,改变我们感知和与周围环境互动的方式。 这场革命在英国是最明显的。 沙特阿拉伯,一个全心全意地拥抱[......]潜力的国家。

继续阅读 "沙特阿拉伯无人机市场飙升至新高度:公布惊人的增长和收入数据"
2 mn阅读


张贴于 社论

2 mn阅读 在一个传统抵押贷款流程早已成为常态的地区,一家创业公司正在彻底改变人们买房的方式。 总部位于阿联酋的proptech公司Holo刚刚筹集了超额认购的a轮融资,标志着中东房地产格局的重大转变。 Holo在系列赛前的成功募捐展示了该公司的[...]

继续阅读 "投资者对Holo下了大赌注:A轮前融资超额认购阿联酋Proptech创业公司"
4 mn阅读


张贴于 社论

4 mn阅读 在充满活力的技术世界中,创新和多样性是成功的关键驱动力。 然而,阿联酋女性领导的科技创业公司在获得蓬勃发展所需的支持和资源方面经常面临独特的挑战。 加入"渣打银行科技女性"加速器计划,这是一项变革性计划,旨在赋予阿联酋科技领域的女企业家权力。 […]

继续阅读 "呼吁阿联酋所有女性主导的科技创业公司:一个黄金机会等待着!”
4 mn阅读


张贴于 迪拜指南

4 mn阅读 根据世界经济论坛最新发布的"2024年旅游与旅游发展指数",阿联酋在全球舞台上迅速上升至第18位,在中东地区排名第一。 这标志着其先前排名的重大飞跃,突出了该国在该领域的强劲发展。 综合报告[...]

继续阅读 "阿联酋在2024年发展指数中引领区域旅游业增长"
3 mn阅读

Huspy获得了Balderton Capital的巨额资金:房地产革命

张贴于 社论

3 mn阅读 Huspy筹集由Balderton Capital领导的新一轮融资对于总部位于阿联酋的proptech初创公司Huspy来说是一个重要的里程碑,该公司宣布了由Balderton Capital领导的新一轮Huspy融资,现有投资者 这项战略投资强调了Huspy的增长轨迹及其彻底改变现实的愿景[...]

继续阅读 "Huspy获得了Balderton Capital的巨额资金:房地产革命"
3 mn阅读


张贴于 创业资本

3 mn阅读 领先的承包和工程公司Drake&Scull International(DSI)正在迪拜金融市场进行首次公开募股,提供高达24亿股股票,筹集4.5亿迪拉姆用于重组和增长。 公司概况:IPO细节财务分析关键财务指标:关键比率:IPO目标市场需求未来[...]

继续阅读 "Drake&Scull,阿布扎比卢浮宫承包商惊人的复出IPO分析"


当每根稻草都被计算机化时,在大海捞针并不难。 我不是他想让我成为的怪物


In this category, we share with you places to visit in Dubai, both on业务 and when you have free time after work



5 mn阅读

20 Exciting Things to Do in Dubai: From Free Activities to Luxury Experiences

张贴于 社论

5 mn阅读 Dubai, a city where ancient traditions meet futuristic visions, offers an incredible array of experiences for visitors. Whether you’re seeking adventure, culture, or relaxation, this guide will help you discover the best things to do in Dubai. From free activities to luxurious indulgences, let’s explore what makes this emirate a must-visit destination. Top Things to […]

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9 mn阅读

Online Shopping in UAE: Amazon, Noon, Dubizzle, IKEA

张贴于 社论

9 mn阅读 Online Shopping in the UAE has many options for consumers. You can shop online from big stores like Amazon and Noon. Or, you can check out local sites like Dubizzle. If you need furniture, IKEA is a popular choice. Each platform offers something unique. Whether you need electronics, household items, or furniture, you can find […]

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6 mn阅读

Top 10 UAE MedTech Startups Innovating Healthcare in 2024

张贴于 社论

6 mn阅读 With every step into 2024, the United Arab Emirates is in the sea-change process in the healthcare landscape. Front-running it are some of the more innovative MedTech companies in reshaping a new future for patients in terms of care, diagnosis, and treatment. From MedTech Dubai to Abu Dhabi, these startups are solving not only local […]

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6 mn阅读

Top 7 Construction Tech Startups Dubai: Revolutionizing the Building Industry

张贴于 社论

6 mn阅读 The Rise of ConTech in Dubai’s Skyline Dubai, much famed for its architectural wonders, has been witnessing a silent revolution in construction technology or ConTech. With the UAE attempting to emerge as the land of innovation, the construction sector in Dubai is rapidly getting digitized. From 3D-printed buildings to drone inspections, cutting-edge technology turned out […]

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6 mn阅读

Moving to Dubai in 2024: The Ultimate Guide for Expats

张贴于 社论

6 mn阅读 Are you considering moving to Dubai in 2024? With its tax-free salaries, luxurious lifestyle, and thriving expat community, Dubai has become an increasingly popular destination for people from all around the world. Whether you’re a young professional thinking of moving to Dubai for new opportunities or a family seeking a change of pace, this comprehensive guide will help […]

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7 mn阅读

The Complete Guide to CarGuru UAE: Mastering Online Car Marketplaces

张贴于 社论

7 mn阅读 Are you in the market for a new set of wheels? Or perhaps you’re looking to sell your trusty ride? In today’s digital age, the car buying and selling process has undergone a revolutionary transformation. Gone are the days of trudging from dealership to dealership or scouring newspaper classifieds. Welcome to the era of online […]

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